Monday, March 3, 2008

presidential Election

We did an interesting survey about presidential Election. We did it with 13 mails and 21 females from different age the most of them are democrat and few of them are republican. Most of them know about the system of electors. They think that the electric college system is fair. Most of the people vote for Obama and few have vote for Clinton. There are most of the people who agree with that Obama can unite people and offer change. The people think that the most important state in the general election in California.

I become interesting in this survey because in our country we do not have to vote for the president. I also like to do it because it gives me chance to talk with the Native American (spicily with girls). I think the American people like to have change in president to change their life routine. I like the change because the people do not like to have the same routine in their life.

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